
Blades uses mustache templates with the Ramhorns engine. While their syntax is simple (and can be learned in a few minutes), they are surprisingly expressive.

Templates are loaded from the templates subdirectory, or secondarily from the themes/$theme/templates directory if a theme is specified in the config.

Here is the list of variables available to use in templates. Apart from these, any other variable of any type specified on the page or in the site config can also be used.

These variables are common for all pages:

// The data of the whole site site: Site // Main page in the site index: Page // A dictionary of all the taxonomies used in the site classification: Map<string, Taxonomy>


When rendering a page, these variables are available:

// Title of the page title: string // Date when the page was created date: Option<DateTime> // Image representing the page image: string // A brief summary of the page summary: string // The main content of the page content: string

// The full link of the page, with the site URL included permalink: string // The path of the page, beginning with /, without the last segment // When rendered as section ({{#path}}), it acts as a list of Ancestors path: string // The trailing segment of this page’s URL // Without the .html extension // For sections, it’s the folder name rather than index slug: string // A list of alternative paths where this page is rendered to, if any alternative_paths: List

// A list of classifications for each of the provided taxonomies taxonomies: Map<string, List<string>> // A list of pictures provided by this page pictures: List<Picture>

// Is this page a section? is_section: bool // Is the page hidden from the list of its parent’s subpages and subsections? hidden: bool // A priority of this page for SEO, in the range of 0-1 priority: float

// The page one level up in the hierarchy (for the index page it’s itself) parent: Page // The previous page on this level, if any previous: Option<Page> // The next page in this level, if any next: Option<Page> // A list of all the subpages (empty if not section) pages: List<Page> // A list of all the subsections (empty if not section) subsections: List<Page> // Available when the subpages are paginated pagination: Option<Pagination>

// Marks whether this page is the active one // Can be used to highlight the current page in a list of pages active: bool


When the pagination is available, you can use these variables in the pagination section ({{#pagination}} ... {{/pagination}}):

// Number of the current page in the paginated pages current: integer // Number of the previous page in the paginated pages // This is also its slug previous: Option<integer> // Number of the next page in the paginated pages // This is also its slug next: Option<integer> // Number of the paginated pages length: integer


When the page path is used as a section ({{#path}} ... {{/path}}), it is interpreted as a list of ancestors. This makes making breadcrumbs possible. For the path segments, the following are available:

// Name of the current path segment name: string // The full path up to this segment full: string


When the date is available, you can use these variables in the datetime section ({{#date}} ... {{/date}}), roughly corresponding to strftime:

// Year y: integer // Month m: integer // Day, 0-padded d: integer // Day, space-padded e: integer // Hour H: integer // Minute M: integer // Second S: integer // First 3 letters of the English month name b: string // First 3 letters of the English weekday name a: string


When pictures are available, you can use these variables in the pictures section ({{#pictures}} ... {{/pictures}} for a list of them):

# Id string of the picture, used for the generated URL in the gallery page pid: string # An associated caption of the picture caption: string # An alternative text displayed when the image can’t be loaded of for accessibility alt: string # File name of the image file: string # Date and time of when the image was taken taken: Option<DateTime> // The full link of the picture, with the site URL included permalink: string

When a page contains come picture, the gallery is created. The page of each photo in the gallery gets the following variables:

// The current picture current: Picture // The previous picture in the list (the last one for the first one) previous: Picture // The next picture in the list (the first one for the last one) next: Picture // The parent page, from which this gallery is generated parent: Page


Each taxonomy that is rendered gets the following variables:

// Full name of the taxonomy title: string // A short name of the taxonomy, used in the URL slug: string // A brief description of the taxonomy description: string // A list of keys used in this taxonomy and their corresponding pages keys: List<KeyPages>

Key pages

When keys in the taxonomy are available, you can use these variables in the keys section ({{#keys}} ... {{/keys}} for a list of them):

// Name of this key (also used in the URL of the key page) key: str // All the pages with this key in this taxonomy pages: List<Page>

Taxonomy key

When rendering a page of a single taxonomy key, these variables are available:

// Name of this key (also used in the URL) title: string // The parent taxonomy where this key belongs to taxonomy: Taxonomy // The pages using this key pages: List<Page> // Optional pagination, if enabled for this taxonomy pagination: Option<Pagination>


The data of the whole site, available for every page in the site section ({{#site}} ... {{/site}}):

// The main title of the site title: string // The main URL of the site url: string description: string keywords: string // A representative image of the site image: string // Info about the author of the site author: Author

// Path of the site where the assets are moved to assets: string // Is sitemap rendered? sitemap: bool // Is atom feed rendered? atom: bool // Is RSS feed rendered? rss: bool // Are taxonomies not explicitly defined in the config, but used in some page rendered? implicit_taxonomies: bool // Are pages without date provided assigned the date of file creation? dates_of_creation: bool


Info about the site author, available as a subsection of site ({{#site}}{{#author}} ... {{/author}}{{/site}}):

name: string uri: string email: string avatar: string

For an actual example of templates in Blades, you can take a look at the code of this site, or of various themes.